Thursday, November 5, 2009

PLN 19

The article written by the Associated Press on the ESPN blog talks about a great baseball player named Bobby Abreu that plays for the Los Angeles Angels just getting a 19 million dollar contract to play for them. I think that it is ridiculous that these players are getting paid so much money. There are people out in this world that do not have anything in their lives; the baseball players make as much money in several games than they will ever in their lives. American government needs to figure out something to help the less fortunate people.


  1. Yeah that is ludicrous. I'm not sure...does Major League Baseball have a salary cap? There definitely needs to be one that is much less. 19 million dollars a year is simply ridiculous as you said. A salary cap should be set in place to stop players and general managers from doing things like this.

  2. I'm a Major League fan, but I do have to admit that it's crazy!! I know Alex Rodriguez receives either $28 million or $33 million. I can't remember which one. But it's outrageous! That amount of money could go towards so much, and granted, some players do donate to charities regularly, but I still see it as wrong, compared to the people living in third world countries.

  3. good question. good job!!

  4. I agree, if we payed profesinal athletes less, there would b e more money to spread around to the less fortunite and elp with the recession.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Great eye contact, however, try to not look at the screen so much.

  7. that is a great argument. great PLN and nice presentation.

  8. your looking at the screen a lot and your swaying a little its a little distracting and your figiting with your hands. nice question!

  9. Go into more details but it was an okay presentation.

  10. Good topic but try not to look at the screen as much. I like the topic that you did i total agree with you. Great question really good ideas and loudness. Great job Gracia HA!!:)

  11. Good question and good presentation.

  12. Great presentation MATEO GRACIA

  13. nice presentation. I dont think they should get paid as much as they do.

  14. You needed a little more to talk about but I like your point about players complaining about which team they are on.

  15. MATEO! good job, you had great eye contact, projected your voice, and had a great question.

  16. Good job you didn't stop talking and asked good questions. I thought you did good.

  17. Good question! you got most of the class attached. good job

  18. Good presentation Mateo, good eye contact and good job speaking load to the crowd. And great topic. Great Presentation. Great job!

  19. Very nice gypsey good question. I like the way you presented your topic and kept the audiance thinking about the topic.
